Twilight - pinceau à poils Synthétiques Brun Interlon - Ronde #2

NB 8110R-2

3,78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD 3,78 $

3,78 $

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(3,78 $ / Unités)
  • Longueur de pinceau
  • Brush Hair
  • Forme de pinceau
  • Taille du pinceau
  • Brush Series
  • Médium de peinture
  • Médium de peinture
  • Marque

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Our Twilight series is an artist's paintbrush designed for professional use. Made from the innovative synthetic nylon hair Interlon, its a hair that boasts interlocking properties with fantastic resilience and control. These brushes are composed of three different hair thickness and cuticle to better replicate animal hair. This gives the filaments a supple, moderate stiffness with great durability. Interlocking technology gives the nylon filaments a natural curl that prevents the brush hair from spreading, so that even if the tip of the hair is bent, once soaked in hot water, it will return to its original shape. The hairs have a fluid retention system that allows you to use less paint when applying in thick layers. This allows you to create denser, more realistic looking paintings while using only one small brush stroke. The brown synthetic hairs are made to be versatile and durable, offering more springiness and lifespan than most natural hairs. Interlocking technology makes the filament of the hairs curls inward to maintain the memory shape of the brush and keep the hairs from spreading. To maintain it, dip the brushes in hot water to activate the memory shape of the hairs and return the brush to its original shape.


Paintbrush Attributes
Longueur de pinceau Long Handle
Brush Hair Interlon
Forme de pinceau Round
Taille du pinceau #2
Brush Series Twilight
Médium de peinture Acryiique, Huile
Other Attributes
Marque Nobel