Pure Dry Mineral Pigments - 24 Colors
FC 826
Make your own paint with the exact color and consistency that you want it to be!Pigment is the pure colour used to make paint or ink. By mixing pigments with a binder you can create your own acrylic colour, oil colour, watercolour, pastels, acrylic ink and gouache in any shade you want. It a very good value method of acquiring paints that exactly match the way you work.Mineral Colors Application Instructions:Mineral colors are glittering and translucent, sparkling and crystal-clear, vivid and calm; they contain no impure substances. They do not fade; and they are popularly referred to as the "Gem Stone Colors". Mineral colors are high-quality materials when making traditional watercolor paintings, frescos, arts and crafts, colored terracotta and traditional building colored decoration. Colors include:Stone-blueStone-Green-Transparent cinnamon red (dark and light)-stone yellow-male spirit (orange-red, orange-yellow)-burnt ochre (reddish brown)-semi-transparent cinnamon red-oyster whiteetc.Preparation and applicationPour color powder into mortar, add drops of transparent binder/adhesive, knead everything into a well-mixed dough; then gradually add hot water to thin until reaching a desired consistency. When finished using the colors, add hot water and leave the mixture to precipitate overnight. Empty water and binder residue the next morning and properly store the leftover colors.Burnt ochre and semi-transparent cinnamon red are semi-transparent colors, please add hot water accordingly to achieve the desired thickness.